Frog in Samidare, Sukagawa, Fukushima pref. 14km


GPS art of a snail drawing on a “place named after rain”🐸

This is a series of GPS art courses that draw snails on the “names of places named after “rain (雨).
Samidare (五月雨) is located on the south bank of the Shakado River, southwest of the center of Sukagawa City. Matsuo Basho once composed the haiku “Samidare no ……” at the nearby Otogajigataki Waterfall (乙字ヶ滝), and a monument to his haiku remains. However, there are various theories …… that Basho visited Serizawa Falls (芹沢の滝) in Samidare at that time, and it is said that he actually saw this waterfall and composed this poem.
Sukagawa Shimin Onsen (and it is inexpensive!) is located near the course. We hope you will enjoy the hot spring as much as we do, and let the sweat off your back from GPS art 🐸🐸🐸


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