Ganbaro Noto in Shimonoseki 20km


Support Noto Peninsula! Drawing GPS Art Ties All Over Japan👍✨

Run and walk to support Noto Peninsula! A GPS art course where you can draw a Noto Peninsula support logo in Shimonoseki.
Ishikawa Prefecture is known as the “Thumb Prefecture” because the Noto Peninsula, stretching from Honshu to the Sea of Japan, looks like a thumb sticking out. We designed a logo that crosses the Noto Peninsula with the pose of a hand with a thumb up. We will present a course where this logo can be drawn in various places in Japan.
This course is to draw GPS art in the middle of Shimonoseki City. You can draw a circle around the area between Shimonoseki Station and Kanmon Bridge. The course has many ups and downs, as is typical of Shimonoseki, so those who are confident in their physical strength are encouraged to give it a try. Please give it a try when you visit Shimonoseki City!

Source: Wikimedia Commons


  1. 京都の温度計(京都市)のGPSアート

    Thermometer in Kyoto 20km

  2. 北海道神宮の虎(北海道札幌市中央区)のGPSアート

    Tiger in Hokkaido-Jingu Shrine, Sapporo, Hokkaido 12km

  3. さいたま市岩槻人形博物館に描くこいのぼりのGPSアート

    Carp Streamer in around Saitamashi Iwatsukiningyo Museum, Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama City 12km

  4. 宇都宮のジャック・オー・ランタン(栃木県宇都宮市)のGPSアート

    Jack O’Lantern in Utsunomiya, Tochigi pref. 16km

  5. 松本城のさくら(長野県松本市)のGPSアート

    Cherry Blossom in Matsumoto Castle, Matsumoto, Nagano pref. 12km

  6. 坂戸の埼玉ポーズ(埼玉県坂戸市)14km

    Saitama Pose in Sakado, Saitama pref. 14km

  1. 幸手(埼玉県幸手市)のGPSアート

    Satte (幸手) in Satte, Saitama pref. 10km

  2. 杉戸(埼玉県杉戸市)のGPSアート

    Sugito (杉戸) in Sugito, Saitama pref. 11km

  3. 春日部(埼玉県春日部市)のGPSアート

    Kasukabe (春日部) in Kasukabe, Saitama pref. 11km

  4. 伊奈(埼玉県伊奈市)のGPSアート

    Ina (伊奈) in Ina, Saitama pref. 13km

  5. 上尾(埼玉県上尾市)のGPSアート

    Ageo (上尾) in Ageo, Saitama pref. 10km

  1. 東京スカイツリーに描くこいのぼりのGPSアート

    Carp Streamer in around Tokyo Skytree 4km

  2. TokyoCircleWalk

    Tokyo Circle Walk 32km

  3. 上野公園のさくら(東京都台東区)のGPSアート

    Cherry Blossom in Ueno Park, Tokyo 10km

  4. Douglas MacArthur in around Yokota Base 33km

  5. ピースマーク(千葉県船橋市)のお絵かきラン

    PEACE on Finabashi, Chiba pref. 4km