Hina doll set in Konosu, Saitama pref. 7km


A course of GPS art of giant hina-dolls drawn in the city of hina-dolls🌸

This is the course of the giant hinamatsuri drawn in Konosu, where the world’s largest hinamatsuri is displayed.
Bikkuri Hinamatsuri is held from late February to early March every year.
In addition to the main site in front of the station, satellite sites are scattered throughout the city.
This course allows you to visit some of the satellite sites.

This GPS art course is a great way to explore the city and draw its specialties while sightseeing.

In addition, there is a 15 km course in the same area where you can draw hina-dolls. We hope you enjoy this one as well!


Source: Wikimedia Commons


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