“Dragon” in Ryugu Shrine, Otaru, Hokkaido 9km


GPS art of a dragon drawn at one of Hokkaido’s most popular Hatsumode spot🐉✨

This GPS art course allows visitors to draw the Chinese character for “dragon (龍),” the animal of the Chinese zodiac, around Ryugu Shrine, a Hatsumode (New Year’s visit) spot in Hokkaido that has a connection with dragons.
Located on a hill overlooking the sea, Ryugu Shrine in Inaho, Otaru City, is a place to pray for good fortune and success in life like a rising dragon. The annual festival is held from June 20 to 22 every year. It is one of the three major festivals in Otaru, and food stalls and stalls line the section of Ryugu Street in front of the shrine, down Ryugu Street until it collides with Liangawa Street, and then along Liangawa Street until it reaches Chuo Street.
Although it is a popular spot for worshippers, it is expected to be very crowded in 2024, the year of the dragon. Please try to visit as a New Year’s visit to avoid the density🐉✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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