Snail in Kisogawa, Ichinomiya, Aichi pref. 7km


Snail GPS art to be drawn in the rainy season🐌✨

Don’t miss out on the rainy season! This is a GPS art course where you can draw snails.
Kisogawa Town was a municipality that existed before merging with Ichinomiya City in 2005. 1889, the surrounding villages merged to form Kuroda Village, which was renamed Kisogawa Town in 1910 due to its proximity to the Kisogawa River. It was a farming village with onion fields, but after the Ichinomiya-Kisogawa interchange was completed in 1997, large warehouses, housing developments, and large-scale commercial facilities began to move into the area.
It is located in a residential area in the Chukyo area. If you live in the neighborhood, please give us a try 🐌🐌🐌

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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