“Dragon” in Atsuta Jingu, Nagoya, Aichi pref. 10km


GPS art of a dragon drawn at Nagoya’s most popular Hatsumode spot🐉✨

This GPS art course allows visitors to draw the Chinese character for the Chinese zodiac animal “dragon (竜)” around Atsuta Jingu Shrine, a Hatsumode spot in Nagoya that is associated with dragons.
Atsuta Jingu Shrine is home to the Dragon Shrine. You can also tie an ema (votive picture tablet) of a dragon at Atsuta Jingu Shrine.
The origin of the shrine is said to be the enshrinement of the Kusanagi Sword, one of the three sacred weapons. The Kusanagi Sword is said to have been kept by Takemikoto of Japan on Mt. Hijozan in Nagoya City, making Atsuta Jingu the shrine of national protection and a popular power spot.
Although this is a popular spot for worshippers, large crowds are expected in the year of the dragon (2024). Please try to avoid the crowds by paying a visit to the temple on the first day of the year 🐉✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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