Cherry Blossom in Miyagi Park, Hachinohe, Aomori pref. 12km


GPS art of cherry blossoms on the ruins of a castle in the city✨

This is a GPS art course of cherry blossoms to be drawn in the northernmost prefecture of Honshu. The cherry blossoms can be drawn along a total length of 12 km, centering on Miyagi Park, which borders Hachinohe Station.
About 50 cherry trees have been planted on the vast site of the ruins of Hachinohe Castle, and with its observation deck, lawn, and playground equipment, this is a location that can be enjoyed by the whole family. This course is a great way to enjoy Hachinohe with the whole family. Both train and car access is recommended. Usually, the best time to visit is from late April to early May, when the trees are in full bloom. Please come and enjoy the cherry blossoms in the northern part of Japan during the Golden Week holidays!


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