Skull in Hino, Tokyo 20km


Great for Halloween! GPS art of skull in Hino & Tama💀

A course of GPS art of skulls, drawing in the center of Hino City, one of the best bedroom towns in Japan.
The city once developed as an inn town as the Hinojuku on the Koshu-kaido highway was located there. In the Showa period (1926-1989), factories of Hino Motors and other large corporations moved into the area, and as a result, bed towns, including huge apartment complexes, developed in the surrounding area. This course allows visitors to tour residential areas, industrial areas, and rivers. I recommend this tour because it will give you a taste of Hino’s history and culture.
It may be difficult to gather again this year depending on the epidemic… …We hope you will enjoy our Halloween run avoiding the density 💀✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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