“Dragon” in Ryu Shrine, Funabashi, Chiba pref. 16km


GPS art of a dragon drawn at Chiba Prefecture’s popular Hatsumode spot🐉✨

This GPS art course allows visitors to draw the Chinese character for the Chinese zodiac animal “dragon (龍)” in the vicinity of Ryujinja, a Hatsumode (New Year’s visit) spot in Chiba Prefecture that has a connection with dragons.
Ryujinja Shrine, located in Kaijin, Funabashi City, enshrines the Dragon God, who has long been revered as the water god and god of maritime safety. The date of construction of Ryujinja is unknown, but it is said to have been a shrine for the Nishikaijin. In the Meiji era (1868-1912), the shrine was upgraded to a village shrine. Although now inland, the area around this shrine used to be a coastline.
The shrine boasts the highest number of worshippers in Saitama Prefecture, and is expected to be very crowded. Please try to visit the shrine as a Hatsumode (New Year’s visit) to avoid the crowds🐉✨

Source: tesshow.jp


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