Frog suffering from summer heat, Toshima Ward, Tokyo 15km


GPS art drawing a frog that is surviving the summer days✨

This is a course of frog GPS art to be drawn around Otsuka Station, the northern end of the Yamanote Line area in central Tokyo.
It depicts a frog wearing a hat and sheltering from the sun. The course is a bit crooked because I am trying to reproduce the shape of the frogs.
The theme is intended to be drawn in the summer, but the distance is a little long. The area is centered in front of a train station, so there should be many convenience stores. Please take all precautions against the heat, such as conducting the project early in the morning or by running to a convenience store 🐸✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


  1. 焼き鳥かえるのかえる(和歌山県田辺市)のGPSアート

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