Tiger in Iwaseo Hachiman Shrine, Takamatsu, Kagawa pref. 19km


GPS art of a tiger drawn on the Takamatsu’s main shrine✨

Iwaseo Hachimangu Shrine, the main shrine of Takamatsu, is located in the southwestern part of the city. During the New Year’s visit season, visitors line not only the shrine grounds but also Hachiman-dori, the approach to the shrine. This is a course of GPS art of a tiger, the animal of the Chinese zodiac, drawn around the city center and Hachiman-dori. This is not only a sightseeing tour of the city, but also a good way to compare different kinds of food as you pass many udon restaurants.


  1. 大麻比古神社の虎(徳島県鳴門市)のGPSアート

    Tiger in Ōasahiko Shrine, Naruto, Tokushima pref. 16km

  2. 与野の埼玉ポーズ(埼玉県さいたま市)のGPSアート

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  6. 半田山植物園のさくら(岡山県岡山市)のGPSアート

    Cherry Blossom in andayama Botanical Garden, Okayama 6km

  1. C(岩手県盛岡市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Morioka, Iwate pref. 5km

  2. C(青森県青森市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Aomori City 11km

  3. C(北海道札幌市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Sapporo, Hokkaido 5km

  4. がんばろう能登(沖縄県那覇市)のGPSアート

    Ganbaro Noto in Naha 20km

  5. がんばろう能登(鹿児島県鹿児島市)のGPSアート

    Ganbaro Noto in Kagoshima 13km

  1. Cherry Blossom in Osaka Castle 9km

  2. ピースマーク(千葉県船橋市)のお絵かきラン

    PEACE on Finabashi, Chiba pref. 4km

  3. ミャクミャク様(大阪市)のGPSアート

    Myaku-Myaku in Osaka 41km

  4. Around the World in Osaka 20km

  5. TokyoCircleWalk

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