GPS Art of a Tiger Drawn at One of Kanagawa Prefecture’s Top New Year’s Spots✨
This is a GPS art course that goes around the residential and industrial areas around the east bank of the Sagami River, including the Samukawa Shrine, to draw the animal of the Chinese zodiac, the tiger.
The number of visitors to the shrine during the three days was 500,000! Samukawa Shrine is the top spot in Kanagawa Prefecture and the third most visited spot in Japan. The shrine was built at an undetermined date, and has been worshipped by Minamoto no Yoritomo, Hojo Yoshitoki, Takeda Shingen, and generations of the Tokugawa Shoguns.

1st work was authorized by Guinness World Records as “the Largest GPS Drawing”.
He is the only Japanese person to be featured in a Google documentary as an innovator. He is fascinated by the idea of drawing with GPS and has published more than 1,500 courses.