The SUN in Koshu, Yamanashi pref. 27km


GPS art of the sun drawn in the city of intense heat✨

A course of GPS art of the “sun” to be drawn in Koshu City, Yamanashi Prefecture, a city of intense heat.
The city is famous for its extreme heat because winds blowing down over the Southern Alps to the Kofu Basin generate a foehn phenomenon, and the basin’s unique topography makes it difficult for warm air to escape. While the summers are famous for being extremely hot, the winters are cold due to the basin’s location. This extreme difference in temperature produces a rich variety of fruits. Grapes, pears, peaches, plums, persimmons, and more.
The theme is based on a symbol of intense heat, the sun, but try it in late summer or fall when the fruits are ripe! You can look forward to tasting some of the local specialties!

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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