GPS art of the sun drawn in the city of intense heat✨
A course of GPS art of the “sun” draws in Hita City, Oita Prefecture, a city of extreme heat.
It has recorded the highest temperature of 39.9 degrees Celsius and holds the record for the hottest number of days of heat wave in Japan with 45 days in a year. It also recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius in October 2021. Because of its high elevation and surrounding mountainous terrain, winds from all directions affect the area as a foehn phenomenon. However, it may help that it is relatively cool at night.
Although the area is famous for its extreme heat, early mornings should be relatively cool. Please be careful of heat stroke!


1st work was authorized by Guinness World Records as “the Largest GPS Drawing”.
He is the only Japanese person to be featured in a Google documentary as an innovator. He is fascinated by the idea of drawing with GPS and has published more than 1,500 courses.