Skull in Yokohama, Kanagawa pref. 14km


Great for Halloween! GPS art of skull in Yokohama💀

A course of GPS art of skulls, drawing on the Port of Yokohama, one of the leading trade ports in Japan.
Since its opening to foreign trade in the late Edo period (1603-1867), Yokohama has developed as an outer port of Tokyo. This course takes visitors around the center of Yokohama, concentrating on the remnants of the silk trade that once flourished, as well as important locations for learning about Yokohama’s history, such as the museum and Chinatown. Although it is a little far from the center of the city, it is a great place to visit while sightseeing.
It may be difficult to gather again this year depending on the epidemic… We hope you will enjoy our Halloween run and avoid the density of the city 💀✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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