Rabbit in Mio Shrine, Otsu, Shiga pref. 13km


Rabbit GPS art drawn at a Hatsumode spot in Shiga Prefecture🐰✨

A course of GPS art of a rabbit, the animal of the Chinese zodiac, drawing at Mio Shrine, a Hatsumode spot in Shiga Prefecture.
The shrine was named after Izanagi (Izanagi no Mikoto), who was enshrined at the shrine, because the shape of his waist belt looked like three tails. The belt became the red-tailed, white-tailed, and black-tailed gods, and one of them, the red-tailed god, appeared in the year of the rabbit, in the month of the rabbit, on the day of the rabbit, at the hour of the rabbit, from the direction of the rabbit. Therefore, rabbits are believed to be the messengers of Mio Myojin, and many sculptures of rabbits can be seen on the temple grounds.
Depending on the infection of the plague, it may be difficult to gather… …please enjoy the zodiac orchids avoiding the densely populated area 🐰🐇✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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