Frog in Komyo Pond, Sakai City, Osaka 16km


GPS art of frogs, drawn around a stone monument with the name of frog✨

This is a course of frog GPS art to be drawn around the Amagoi Frog (Rain-making Frog), a famous landmark named after a frog located on the border of Izumi City and Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture.
The Amego Frog, which sits on the bank of Komyoike Pond next to the Komyoike Guardian Shrine, appeared with the idea of “returning to the starting point, remembering the thoughts of our ancestors who strived to overcome the lack of water. Komyoke Pond was completed in 1936 as an agricultural reservoir in response to a drought that occurred during the Taisho era (1912-1926). It is a reminder of the hard work of our predecessors at that time.
When you visit Komyoike Pond, please try this GPS art!


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