Tiger in Yamagata prefecture Gokoku shrine, Yamagata City 25km


GPS art of a tiger drawn on a shrine dedicated to the spirits of Yamagata’s heroes✨

Yamagata Gokoku Shrine was built in the early Meiji period (1868-1912) to enshrine the Satsuma clan members who died in the Boshin War, and is a representative shrine that attracts New Year’s visitors from inside and outside Yamagata Prefecture. About 130,000 people, the largest number in the prefecture, visit the shrine on New Year’s Day. It is literally Yamagata’s representative New Year’s visit spot.
This is a course of GPS art showing tigers, the animal of the Chinese zodiac, around the shrine. Since there are many straight roads, it is also a great GPS run. Please try it as a sightseeing run as well!


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