Cherry Blossom in Mikamine Park, Sendai, Miyagi pref. 16km


GPS art of cherry blossoms to be drawn in a park where you can enjoy cherry blossoms for a long period of time✨

This is a GPS art course of cherry blossoms to be drawn in Mikamine Park, a famous cherry blossom viewing spot in Sendai, a city representing the Hokuriku region.
With 750 cherry trees of 48 varieties planted, the park features a long blooming season of cherry blossoms. Just when you think the Someiyoshino have fallen, no problem! You should definitely stop by here.
The path is somewhat undulating and long, but you should be able to conquer it easily as it follows the road for most of the way. If you are traveling to Sendai during Golden Week, please give it a shot!


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