Rugby player in Higashiosaka, Osaka 18km


Running, walking and cheering! GPS art of rugby player🏉

The Rugby World Cup will soon begin! This is a series of GPS art that you can run, walk, cheer and draw “rugby player”.
This is GPS art of rugby players touring around Higashiosaka City Hanazono Rugby Stadium, Japan’s first stadium dedicated to rugby, which opened in 1929. It is one of the leading rugby-specific stadiums in Japan and is also known as the venue for the National High School Rugby Football Tournament, which is commonly referred to as “Hanazono.
Let’s run and support the Japanese national rugby team🏉


  1. 潮江天満宮のうさぎ(高知県高知市)のGPSアート

    Rabbit in Ushioe Tenmangu, Kochi City, Kochi pref. 13km

  2. 京都の温度計(京都市)のGPSアート

    Thermometer in Kyoto 20km

  3. ONE TEAM in Kumamoto, Kumamoto pref. 20km

  4. 西来院のうさぎ(沖縄県那覇市)のGPSアート

    Rabbit in Sairaiーin, Naha City, Okinawa pref. 15km

  5. KAEru coffeeのかえる(京都府京都市)のGPSアート

    Frog in KAEru coffee, Kyoto 7km

  6. 白龍神社の龍(愛知県名古屋市中村区)のGPSアート

    “Dragon” in Hakuryu Shrine, Nagoya, Aichi pref. 15km

  1. C(茨城県水戸市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Mito, Ibaraki pref. 5km

  2. C(福島県福島市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Fukushima City 3km

  3. C(山形県山形市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Yamagata City 5km

  4. C(秋田県秋田市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Akita City 5km

  5. C(宮城県仙台市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Sendai, Miyagi pref. 5km

  1. Around the World in Osaka 20km

  2. 上野公園のさくら(東京都台東区)のGPSアート

    Cherry Blossom in Ueno Park, Tokyo 10km

  3. ミャクミャク様(大阪市)のGPSアート

    Myaku-Myaku in Osaka 41km

  4. Cherry Blossom in around Nago Castle Park 16km

  5. TokyoCircleWalk

    Tokyo Circle Walk 32km