Cherry Blossom in around Tsuyama Castle, Tsuyama, Okayama pref. 11km

A GPS art course at a photogenic spot where you can watch the collaboration of Tsuyama Castle and cherry blossoms🌸

One of the best cherry blossom viewing spots in Okayama Prefecture, selected as one of the 100 best cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan.
The collaboration of Tsuyama Castle, which reminds us of the time when the castle was built, and the 1,000 Someiyoshino cherry trees in full bloom within the castle grounds is sure to be photogenic.
Especially during the cherry blossom season, the castle is illuminated at night.
This course also includes a tour of the castle, so you can enjoy not only the cherry blossoms but also the atmosphere of the famous castle.

This course is suitable for sightseeing even outside of cherry blossom season, as it also takes you around the castle town with Tsuyama Castle at its center.


Collaboration of the 1k cherry blossoms and Tsuyama Castle
Source: Wikimedia Commons


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