Cherry Blossom in Matsukawa Park, Toyama, Toyama pref. 9km


The first spring ahead of the others! GPS art of cherry blossoms✨

This course draws cherry blossoms GPS art in Matsukawa Park, a famous cherry blossom viewing spot in Toyama Prefecture.
Approximately 530 cherry trees are planted along Matsukawa River, which flows through the center of Toyama Prefecture. Walking and running along the rows of cherry trees can be enjoyed, and the area is crowded with many citizens during the cherry blossom season. The Matsukawa River is also illuminated at night during the cherry blossom season, and sightseeing boats operate along the river. Please plan your visit as a sightseeing course.
It is becoming a trend that the restrictions on activities are being lifted. We think it is the perfect place for sightseeing in Toyama 🌸



Source: Wikimedia Commons


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