Cherry Blossom in Higashiyama Zoo, Nagoya, Aichi pref. 10km


GPS art of cherry blossoms drawn in one of the largest zoo and botanical gardens in Japan✨

This is a GPS art course of cherry blossoms drawn in Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden, the second largest zoo in Japan in terms of number of visitors, second only to Ueno Park in terms of attendance.
The highlight of the garden is the “Cherry Blossom Corridor,” where 1,000 cherry trees of 100 varieties, collected from all over Japan, are planted. Because there are so many varieties of cherry trees, the best season is from early March to late April, which is a long period of time.
This course circles around the interior and exterior of the park, with the zoo and botanical garden at its center. The course is designed to avoid densely populated areas. Please try it just like a stroll!


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