”HOT” in Toyooka, Hyogo pref. 8km


GPS art of “hot” drawn in the city of intense heat✨

A course of GPS art calligraphy of “hot” drawn in Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture, a city of intense heat.
The city of intense heat is often associated with inland areas, but Toyooka City is no exception. In summer, southerly winds from the Pacific Ocean and the Seto Inland Sea blow over the Chugoku Mountains, causing a foehn effect that results in extremely hot weather. The city is also known for its cold winters and extreme temperature differences due to its location in a basin.
Although a little far from the course, Izushi, known as Tajima’s “Little Kyoto,” and Izushi Hot Springs are located in the city. After sweating it out in this extremely hot city, please enjoy historical exploration and hot springs!

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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