Snail in Amenomori, Nagahama, Shiga pref. 15km


Snail GPS art to be drawn in the rainy season🐌✨

Don’t miss out on the rainy season! This is a GPS art course where you can draw snails.
According to folklore left at the local shrine of Amenokawamikoto, the name Amenomori (雨森) is a corruption of the place name Amenomori (天降里), which was given to the area because it was the site of the descent of the grandchildren of Ame-no-Mikoto. It is also the birthplace of Amemori Hoshu, a Confucian scholar of the Edo period famous for his work on the Korean envoys to Japan. The townscape, selected for the “Handmade Local Land Award” by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, is beautiful, and waterways run throughout the town.
It is an area with a well-developed townscape as a tourist destination. We hope you will stop by when you visit Shiga Prefecture 🐌🐌🐌


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  3. TokyoCircleWalk

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