Tiger in Zenkokuji, Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo 21km


GPS Art of Tiger Drawn on Stone Tiger’s New Year’s Day Spot✨

This is a course of art created by visiting a tiger temple in the city center. Zenkokuji Temple is a temple in the center of the city where Bishamonten, the god of war, is enshrined. A pair of stone tigers, designated as Tangible Cultural Properties, sits in front of the main hall on the temple grounds. The temple is expected to be crowded at the time of Hatsumode (New Year’s visit) because it is the perfect place for the Year of the Tiger.
The temple is one of the “Shinjuku Yamanote Seven Gods of Good Luck Tour”, a tour of the seven gods of good fortune in the city center, so it is usually a popular place to visit. I hope you’ll try it as a less crowded visit!


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