Saitama Pose in Sakado, Saitama pref. 14km


Saitama Pose with GPS Art in a Bedtown in the center of Saitama Prefecture, Japan✨

November 14 is Saitama Citizens’ Day! This is a course where you can draw “Saitama Pose” with GPS art, which is what you should do if you are a resident of Saitama Prefecture.

This course allows you to draw “Saitama Pose” in Sakado City, a transfer station located almost in the center of Saitama Prefecture. The Koraigawa River, which flows from the Chichibu Mountains, runs from southwest to east, and agriculture thrived in this fertile land. In the Edo period (1603-1867), the area developed as a post town on the highway connecting Hachioji and Nikko. Due to its convenient transportation, the area developed as a logistics hub in the northern Kanto region, and apartment complexes and industrial parks sprang up along with it.
This course allows visitors to experience firsthand the remnants of the Showa period of growth. We hope that the residents of Saitama Prefecture will give it a try.

ADDITION: They are looking for “Saitama Pose Photos” at the following link. Please feel free to submit your photos here as well!
 Saitama poses are wanted from all over Japan! @So! Da SAITAMA


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  4. ふじみ野(埼玉県ふじみ野市)のGPSアート

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  5. 志木(埼玉県志木市)のGPSアート

    Shiki (志木) in Shiki, Saitama pref. 13km

  1. TokyoCircleWalk

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  2. ピースマーク(千葉県船橋市)のお絵かきラン

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  3. 上野公園のさくら(東京都台東区)のGPSアート

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  5. ミャクミャク様(大阪市)のGPSアート

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