Saitama Pose in Iwatsuki, Saitama pref. 13km


GPS art depicting “Saitama Pose” in the town of traditional dolls✨

November 14 is Saitama Citizens’ Day! This is a course where you can draw “Saitama Pose” with GPS art, which is what you should do if you are a resident of Saitama Prefecture.

The name of Iwatsuki appeared in documents from the Muromachi period (1333-1573). Ota Dokan built Iwatsuki Castle, and the area flourished as a castle town until the Edo period. In the Meiji era, the area became Iwatsuki Prefecture following the abolition of feudal domains, and later became the first prefectural capital when Saitama Prefecture was created through a merger. Currently, the city has developed as a residential area for a part of Saitama City.
You can draw a “Saitama Pose hand” by walking through the residential area around Iwatsuki Station. Residents of Saitama Prefecture are welcome, of course, but those from outside the prefecture are also welcome to give it a try!

ADDITION: They are looking for “Saitama Pose Photos” at the following link. Please feel free to submit your photos here as well!
 Saitama poses are wanted from all over Japan! @So! Da SAITAMA


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  5. 上野公園のさくら(東京都台東区)のGPSアート

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