“Dragon” in Ryu Shrine, Hayashima, Okayama pref. 25km


GPS art of a dragon drawn at one of Okayama’s most popular Hatsumode spot🐉✨

This GPS art course allows visitors to draw the Chinese character for “dragon (龍),” the animal of the Chinese zodiac, in the vicinity of Ryujinja, a spot in Okayama Prefecture that is associated with dragons.
The Ryujinja Shrine in Hayashima-cho was dedicated to Watatsumi no Kami, the god of water, in 1744 by the Togawa clan, the feudal lord of the area, and was revered as a water god by the three villages in the surrounding area. The site used to be a small mountain, but due to a series of collapses at the foot of the mountain during the Showa period (1926-1989), the mountain was cut down and the shrine building was moved to the new location. It is locally known for the summer festival of Susano Shrine, which is a precinct shrine.
Since 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, Ryu Shrine may become a popular first visit spot. Please try it as a sightseeing tour to avoid the density 🐉✨



Source: Tabioka – Travel Okayama, Kibi Country –


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