4 Hearts in Omotesando, Tokyo 3km


GPS art of hearts to draw in (behind) the Mode area in Tokyo✨

This GPS art course allows you to draw four hearts on Omotesando, the approach to Meiji Shrine and the center of mode fashion.
Omotesando Avenue was developed in the Taisho era (1912-1926) when Meiji Jingu Shrine was built. After the Great Kanto Earthquake, the Dojunkai Apartments were built and the site was redeveloped into Omotesando Hills. The street is flashy along the street, but the back side is a quiet residential area. This GPS art draws four heart shapes, reflecting the history and culture of Omotesando.
Although it is a short distance, we hope you will enjoy the beautiful view of the back side of Omotesando.


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