Cherry Blossom in Shiroyama Park, Ayase, Kanagawa pref. 21km


GPS art of cherry blossoms to be drawn in the 100 best places for flowers in Kanagawa✨

This is a GPS art course of cherry blossoms drawn in Shiroyama Park in Ayase City, Kanagawa Prefecture, one of the 100 best places for flowers in Kanagawa. The park was built on the site of the former castle of the Shibuya family, which served as a retainer of Minamoto no Yoritomo during the Kamakura period (1185-1333). About 100 cherry trees are planted in the park, and there are also barbecue pits and a playground.
There are few turns, and the distance can be challenged in about a half marathon. Please enjoy it as a cherry blossom viewing experience without the crowds.


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