Sanda Claus in Edobukuro, Kawaguchi, Saitama pref. 16km


GPS art of Santa Claus, stuffing an Edobukuro into a sack✨

Located on the border between Saitama and Tokyo, this is a course in art that features Santa Claus in a sack in Edo-bukuro.
Edo-bukuro used to be a village called Edo-bukuro-mura. The name of the place is said to have originated from the fact that it was a “low marshy area at the entrance to the river, where water tended to pool.
The bag part is in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture, and Santa is in Adachi Ward, Tokyo. This course allows you to draw around the border of land prefectures, which is rare in this area.


  • 江戸袋村跡地(川口市江戸袋)


Source: Yukisaki NAVI


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