Rabbit in Okayama Shrine, Kita Ward, Okayama 8km


Rabbit GPS art drawn at a Hatsumode spot in Okayama🐰✨

A course of GPS art of rabbits, the animals of the Chinese zodiac, drawn at Okayama Shrine, the most popular first visit of rabbits in Okayama Prefecture.
The shrine is the general guardian of Okayama and is designated as an important cultural property of Okayama City. It was once built in a different location, but was relocated with the construction of Okayama Castle, and is a popular destination for worshippers because of its benefits for prolonging life, business, and marriage.
Depending on the infection of the plague, it may be difficult to gather… …Please enjoy the zodiac orchids avoiding the density of the city 🐰🐇✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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