Koshigaya Circle Walk 37km


A circle with a radius of 3.14 km drawn around the Awa Odori statue✨

Koshigaya City is one of the largest bedroom communities in Saitama Prefecture.
At Minamikoshigaya Station and Shin-Koshigaya Station, where the Tobu Skytree Line (former Isesaki Line) and the JR Musashino Line intersect, stands the “Minamikoshigaya Awa Odori Origin Monument.
It is said to be one of the three major Awa Odori dance festivals in Japan, along with Tokushima and Koenji in Tokyo, but it has a short history and was started in the 1989s by the owner of a housing construction company from Tokushima as a way to revitalize the town.

This is a course with a lot of zigzags, mainly in a quiet residential area in the suburbs.

Just Did It!!!

I painted under the hot sun in June. Most of the area is quiet and residential, so it was easy to paint.
The zigzagging might make it difficult for a run, but it’s perfect for a walk!


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