“ゆ (Hot Spring)” in Shirako, Chiba pref. 4km


GPS art of “YU” to be drawn in one of the most famous hot springs in Boso Peninsula♨✨

A course of “ゆ (hotspring)” GPS art drawing on Shirako Onsen.
Located on the Pacific Ocean side of the Boso Peninsula, at the southern end of Kujukuri-hama beach, it is famous for its albino sand baths. Because there is a natural gas producing area nearby, the source of the water contains iodine. The area is also famous for hosting tennis-related training camps and national tournaments, as there are approximately 340 tennis courts in this area alone.
This course may allow you to fully enjoy both swimming and tennis. Please enjoy GPS art and hot springs while sightseeing ♨✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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