Calender in Hikawa Shrine, Kwaguchi, Saitama pref. 17km


GPS art drawing at Kawaguchi’s Hikawa Shrine, perfect for New Year’s Eve✨

The GPS art course that allows you to draw a daily calendar for “December 31” was conceived as a course with an idea suitable for New Year’s Eve.
Hikawa Shrine is a village shrine in Aoki Village, Kawaguchi City. There is a mound of Mt. Fuji within its precincts, so you can experience a bit of climbing Mt. The adjacent auto race track is known as the “Mecca of auto racing,” and on New Year’s Eve, the “Superstar Championship,” the grand final of the Grand Champion of Public Racing, is held there. The “Super Star Championship” is held on New Year’s Eve, and is expected to be crowded, so please be sure to time your challenge accordingly!
The number “2023” is a path that can be reformed; it can be drawn not only in 2023 but also on subsequent New Year’s Eve, so 2024 is a course that you should definitely try.



Source: Wikimedia Commons

Just Did It!

This is the third year! This time, following the precedent, we tried before the sun rose, but unfortunately, the rain at …… made it difficult. The cold rain was hard to bear……..



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