Tiger in Utou Shrine, Aomori City 18km


GPS art of animals of the Chinese zodiac, drawn on the main shrine of Aomori✨

This is a course plan for GPS art of the Chinese zodiac animal, the tiger, to be drawn in the center of Aomori City. Even in Aomori Prefecture, where snowfall is severe, the area is relatively well cleared of snow. This is a course that may be able to do well in winter.
Utou Shrine, located on the GPS art course, is said to have started around the 5th century when three goddesses, the sons of Amaterasu, were enshrined there, although the date of its establishment is unknown. It is one of the most popular spots for Hatsumode (New Year’s visit) in the prefecture, attracting about 160,000 worshippers every year. The temple is especially crowded on New Year’s Day, when a special New Year’s prayer ceremony is held.


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