Soy Sauce in Noda 25km


The character for “soy sauce” drawn in the town of soy sauce✨

Noda is the largest producer of soy sauce in Japan, producing one-third of the country’s total. KIKKOMAN and Kinoene Soy Sauce exist in this area.
Tracing its history, Kikkoman was established in the Taisho era (1912-1926) as a joint venture of local brewing companies. Kinoene maintained its independence. The soy sauce industry developed in the Edo period. The Edogawa River basin, which runs west of Noda, was a source of soybeans and wheat, and the downstream area was one of the largest salt fields. The soy sauce produced was transported to Edo by water. As an aside, on the other side of the river, Soka’s soy sauce industry gave birth to Soka senbei rice crackers.
The course is extremely complicated, but it is a good way to learn about the local shoyu industry. Please try it while you’re out sightseeing!

Just Did It.


Thank you, Korotama-san, Inohiro-san and Akkii-san!
It was a very complicated course, wasn’t it? I was amazed that they managed to run it without making any mistakes!


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