Kawaguchi Circle Walk 33km


A circle course with a radius of 3.14 km drawn in the center of Kawaguchi culture✨

Kawaguchi is a bedroom community that has grown rapidly in the past 20 years.
It used to be a “cupola (casting) town,” but as time went on, the former foundry sites were transformed into condominiums, leading to the current rapid population growth.
In the 2020s, a new center for NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) will be built, and further development is expected.

There are residential areas, industrial areas, and farmland, so the course has a lot of variety. There are few convenience stores, especially in the northern part of the farmland, so please be careful about your supplies!



Source: Wikimedia Commons

Just Did It.

I finished this GPS drawing in June, during the rainy season. There is a lot of variation, but there are surprisingly few convenience stores, so it was difficult to find resting places and supplies.
Just because there are so many residential and industrial areas out there, please plan your rest stops!


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