Frog in Amenomiya, Chikuma, Nagano pref. 8km


GPS art of a frog drawing in the name of a place named “Rain”🐸

This is a series of GPS art courses that draw frogs in “place names with “ame (雨)” (meaning “rain”).
Amenomiya (雨宮) is located in the northern part of Chikuma City, facing the Chikuma River on the north and west sides, and was an important military area during the Warring States Period in the 16th century, as it was the site of the Battle of Kawanakajima. Today, the area is a historical site park in memory of those days.
Because of the proximity to the expressway, the area is a patchwork of industrial areas that take advantage of logistics and the surrounding residential areas and farmlands. We hope you enjoy your visit while sightseeing in Nagano 🐸🐸🐸

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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  4. Around the World in Osaka 20km

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