“ゆ (Hot Spring)” in Ikaho, Shibukawa, Gunma pref. 2km


GPS art of “YU” to be drawn in one of the most famous hot springs in Kanto Region♨✨

A course of “ゆ (hotspring)” GPS art to draw in Ikaho Onsen.
It has a long history as it appears in Manyoshu, the oldest anthology of Japanese poetry. During Sengoku Period (1467 – 1603), the symbolic stone step street was created. Hot spring inns, amusement centers, and restaurants are clustered around the stone steps. Since it is also the sacred land of Initial D (Initial D), visitors may be car enthusiasts.
The distance can be done with just a little sightseeing. If you stop by, please try it while you are there ♨✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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