Jack O’Lantern in Mitoyo Kagawa pref. 9km


Halloween GPS Art in the Legendary Town of Urashima Taro✨

The town was once called Urashima, and there are many monuments in the town named after Taro Urashima. Kagawa has a strong image of udon noodles, but Mitoyo City is also the town of Urashima Taro.
I’m afraid you can’ t draw Urashima Taro, but you can draw Halloween motifs in this GPS art course. On the course, you can also find a public restroom that looks like the Ryugujo (Dragon Palace)! We hope you will try this new form of sightseeing in Mitoyo.


  • Ryugujo (Dragon Palace) Public Toilet


Source: Wikimedia Commons


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