Snail in Upun, Kamuicho, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 25km


Snail GPS art to be drawn in the rainy season🐌✨

Don’t miss out on the rainy season! This is a GPS art course where you can draw snails.
Upun/Ubun (雨粉) is located in the southern part of Asahikawa City. Uppun” means “place where rain and snow fly” in Ainu language. The Upun River, which gives the area its name, flows through this area and continues to the Biei River and the Ishikari River.
The Biei River flows through the center of the snail, with the shell side being a residential area and the body side being a farming village. This course is a luxurious way to experience both sides of Asahikawa. When you visit Asahikawa, please try it while sightseeing 🐌🐌🐌

Source: Shrines in Hokkaido


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