Cherry Blossom in Sydney, AUSTRALIA 12km


The first spring ahead of the others! GPS art of cherry blossoms✨

This course draws cherry blossoms GPS art in the heart of Sydney, Australia’s tourist capital.
It has the largest population in Australia and is the economic center of the country. It is a leading international tourist city in Oceania, and the Sydney Bay area, especially the Opera House, is an attractive location for tourists. You can draw springtime around the center of the city, but since it is in the southern hemisphere, spring there is from August to October. Please be aware of this!
This is a trend that is lifting the restrictions on activity. We think this is a great way to see Sydney 🌸




  1. 三光稲荷神社に描くかえるのGPSアート

    Frog in around Sankoinari Shrine, Inuyama, Aichi pref. 10km

  2. 文殊堂のうさぎ(宮城県仙台市)のGPSアート

    Rabbit in Monjudo, Sendai, Miyagi pref. 16km

  3. 蛙吉のかえる(京都府京都市)のGPSアート

    Frog in Akichi, Kyoto 8km

  4. Cherry Blossom in around Tamayu River, Matsue, Shimane pref. 10km

  5. 東山動植物園のさくら(愛知県名古屋市千種区)のGPSアート

    Cherry Blossom in Higashiyama Zoo, Nagoya, Aichi pref. 10km

  6. まいまい広場のかえる(大阪府東大阪市)のGPSアート

    Frog in Maimai Sqare, Higashiosaka, Osaka pref. 12km

  1. 狭山(埼玉県狭山市)のGPSアート

    Sayama (狭山) in Sayama, Saitama pref. 6km

  2. 久喜(埼玉県久喜市)のGPSアート

    Kuki (久喜) in Kuki, Saitama pref. 15km

  3. 幸手(埼玉県幸手市)のGPSアート

    Satte (幸手) in Satte, Saitama pref. 10km

  4. 杉戸(埼玉県杉戸市)のGPSアート

    Sugito (杉戸) in Sugito, Saitama pref. 11km

  5. 春日部(埼玉県春日部市)のGPSアート

    Kasukabe (春日部) in Kasukabe, Saitama pref. 11km

  1. ミャクミャク様(大阪市)のGPSアート

    Myaku-Myaku in Osaka 41km

  2. 東京スカイツリーに描くこいのぼりのGPSアート

    Carp Streamer in around Tokyo Skytree 4km

  3. TokyoCircleWalk

    Tokyo Circle Walk 32km

  4. 上野公園のさくら(東京都台東区)のGPSアート

    Cherry Blossom in Ueno Park, Tokyo 10km

  5. Cherry Blossom in Osaka Castle 9km