Cherry Blossom in around Ogi Park, Ogi, Saga pref. 19km

Explore the castle ruins, where you can enjoy viewing 3,000 magnificent cherry trees!

This is a GPS art course to visit Ogi Park in Ogi City, Saga Prefecture, one of the most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Saga Prefecture.
Ogi Park has been selected as one of the 100 best cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan and one of the 100 best historical parks in Japan, where you can view 3,000 cherry trees.
The course also takes you around Jirakuen, a garden built by Naoyoshi Nabeshima who was a leader of Saga domain in Edo period.
At night during the cherry blossom season, the park is lit up and you can enjoy the cherry blossoms at night.

This is a project to draw cherry blossoms with GPS art at famous cherry blossom spots all over Japan🌸


Ogi Park
Source: WikimediaCommons


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  4. Cherry Blossom in Osaka Castle 9km

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