Rabbit in Sumiyoshi Taisha, Sumiyoshi ward, Osaka 10km


Rabbit GPS art to be drawn at Hatsumode spot in Osaka🐰✨

A course of GPS art of the Chinese zodiac animal, the rabbit, drawn at Sumiyoshitaisya, Osaka’s most famous rabbit shrine for Hatsumode (New Year’s visit).
This is the head shrine of the Sumiyoshi Shrine, which is famous for its rabbit as a divine messenger. Since the date of the shrine’s founding was on the upper U day (Rabbit Day) of the U month (Rabbit Month) in the year of the Rabbit, the year of the Rabbit, the rabbit is considered to be the divine messenger of the shrine. Many important cultural assets remain on the shrine grounds, and many statues of rabbits are enshrined here.
Depending on the plague, it may be difficult to gather… …We hope you will enjoy the zodiac orchid run avoiding the density of the area 🐰🐇✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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