Cherry Blossom in Suminoe Park, Osaka 8km


Spring’s First One Step Ahead! GPS art of cherry blossoms✨

This course draws cherry blossoms GPS art in Suminoe Park, one of the most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Osaka.
Opened in 1930, this urban park offers seasonal flowers, from scarlet cherry blossoms in February to someiyoshino cherry blossoms in April, making it possible to enjoy cherry blossoms over a long period of time. During the cherry blossom season, flea markets and kitchen cars are set up, making it a great place to enjoy events. The park is also a great jogging course with playground equipment and sports grounds.
This is becoming a trend where the restriction of activities is being lifted. We think it is a perfect place for sightseeing in Osaka 🌸



Source: Wikimedia Commons


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