Cherry Blossom in Ueno Park, Iga, Mie pref. 5km


GPS art of cherry blossoms on the castle walls of Iga-Ueno✨

This is GPS art of cherry blossoms drawn in Ueno Park, a park on the ruins of the castle walls of Iga-Ueno, famous for its ninja.
The castle was built in the 16th century, but construction was halted during the Edo period and the …… keep was not erected until 1935. Since there was no design based on historical research, it is different from the castle tower that was once planned. Therefore, it is called a “mock-up” castle tower. Nevertheless, approximately 400 Someiyoshino cherry trees have been planted in the castle to delight local residents in the spring.
The castle is the center of a terrestrial picture of cherry blossoms. The surrounding castle town can also be enjoyed, making it perfect for sightseeing. Try it when you visit Iga!


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