NishiTokyo Circle Walk 35km


Circle walk with a radius of 3.14 km drawn in “west” Tokyo✨

This is a course plan for a very challenging GPS art event, “Circle Walk Day”. We know this is a highly kinky event, but we’d love to have you join us!
Here is the course of the circle walk that can be drawn in Tokyo …… No, the one with west (nishi). The center is Nishi-Tokyo City Hall, and a regular circle with a radius of 3.14 km can be drawn. Since it is somewhat suburban, large facilities that cannot be passed through will be conspicuous. Unlike the city center, the regular circle is distorted, but that is also the flavor of the area. There are many variations, from the downtown area in front of the station to residential areas and golf courses in the suburbs. If you live in the suburbs, give it a try!

Just Did It!

I walked clockwise from the true north point.
The distance and the ups and downs are just reasonable, and it’s a great course for GPS art beginners!



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  3. TokyoCircleWalk

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