Saitama Pose in Utsunomiya, Tochigi pref. 14km


GPS art draws “Saitama Pose” in the sacred place of gyoza (dumplings)✨

November 14 is Saitama Citizens’ Day! This is a course where you can draw “Saitama Pose” with GPS art, which is what you should do if you are a resident of Saitama Prefecture.
This course draws on Utsunomiya City, the capital of Tochigi Prefecture, located north of Saitama Prefecture. The city is often described in tourist guides as “the mecca of gyoza” (gyoza dumplings). It is a sacred place where tourists from all over Japan rush in for gyoza, and the aspect of the city is called “Utsunomiya Gyoza Land” ……, ChatGPT said. In collaboration with the movie “Fly me to the Saitama”, it was said, “Let them eat Utsunomiya gyoza there and there!
Of course, there are many famous gyoza restaurants in the vicinity of this course. Please stop by at the gyoza restaurants!

ADDITION: They are looking for “Saitama Pose Photos” at the following link. Please feel free to submit your photos here as well!
 Saitama poses are wanted from all over Japan! @So! Da SAITAMA


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  2. TokyoCircleWalk

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  3. Cherry Blossom in Osaka Castle 9km

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